Aici timpul s-a oprit. Amintirile sunt prezente si dau farmec si autenticitate spatiului. Cautam o familie care sa preia povestea. O poveste frumoasa, cu seri de dans intr-o casa plina de veselie si intelegere. Totul e la locul lui, neatins de vremuri si modernisme. O casa luminoasa, calduroasa, cu toate elementele originale intacte, ce va poate faca sa va simtiti mai aproape de tot ceea conteaza: familia. Ramane tot! Aduceti-va povestea!
Here time stopped. The memories are present and give charm and authenticity to the space. We are looking for a family to take over the story. A beautiful story, with dance evenings in a house full of joy and understanding. Everything is in its place, untouched by times and modernisms. A bright, warm house, with all the original elements intact, which can make you feel closer to everything that matters: family. Everything remains! Bring your story!